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Character Information
Profession:Elite Knight
Marital status:single
Guild Membership:Member of the Pocos Pero Locos
Frags:Killed 18 players
Last login:17 December 2024, 5:58 pm
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 0 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 35%
Tasks: 10%

15 Dec 2024, 18:04 Killed at level 303 by Navi Marklooff, Billy The Kid, Koringa, Braith Na Venta, Dobbs, Japones, Xexagg Opressor and by Unstoppable Nunes.
13 Dec 2024, 01:12 Killed at level 303 by Desprovido De Qi, Bob Motel, Rytsun, Unstoppable Nunes, Hachibi, Old Andiin, Zanderfps, Billy The Kid, Aftermath Angel, Makkabro and by Billete Tresa.
12 Dec 2024, 20:47 Killed at level 304 by Maloqueiro, Pica Torta, Hieze, Laminieri, Kenji La Conexion, Rokubi, Meelky, Zanderfps, Hachibi, Alexei Paralyzer, Niiwf Razzor and by King Dominante.
11 Dec 2024, 21:09 Killed at level 304 by King Dominante, Tenebroso Cabuloso, Zanderfps, Pogramcd, Aftermath Angel, Rytsun, Kiiller Bee, Grunwine, Gatuno, Flow Demencia, Seremontis, Unstoppable Taiiro, Kenji La Conexion, Unstoppable Rushh, Billy The Kid, Braith Na Venta, Tinker, Leooxd, Gorilla Zord, Zahraa, Skolsz, Jota and by Makkabro.
10 Dec 2024, 23:34 Killed at level 305 by Gatuno, Unstoppable Mxxc, Alexei Paralyzer, Unstoppable Nunes, Billy The Kid, Betametasona, Nanabi, Rytsun, Pogramca, Xexagg Opressor, Old Andiin, Zanderfps, Makarov, Unstoppable Azin, Al Kaida Manerrito, Lee Killer, Aftermath Angel and by Makkabro.
10 Dec 2024, 23:32 Killed at level 306 by Billy The Kid, Makarov, Gatuno, Old Andiin, Alexei Paralyzer, Unstoppable Azin, Pica Torta, Baad, Zanderfps, Pepe Rullesz, Rytsun, Jacutinga, Unstoppable Nunes, Pogramca, Barack The Thais, Al Kaida Manerrito, Xexagg Opressor, Kilee, Hasan Izz, Kendo Kaponii, Unstoppable Mxxc, Eu Sou Goku, Nanabi, Kenji La Conexion and by Billete Tresa.
10 Dec 2024, 23:30 Killed at level 307 by Rytsun, Pica Torta, Unstoppable Nunes, Kendo Kaponii, Gatuno, Xexagg Opressor, Pepe Rullesz, Makarov, Betametasona and by Makkabro.
9 Dec 2024, 22:28 Killed at level 307 by Xexagg Opressorzy, Hachibi, Tomasturbando, Sineera, Pepe Rullesz, Fluo Cardent, Leo Rullesz, Atacante Nato, Bolamaisum, King John, Granith, Baad, Ultramagesz, Declan Harp, Halftime, Holztek Al Kaida, Malako Push and by Beserk Evil.
9 Dec 2024, 22:18 Killed at level 308 by Laminieri, Beserk Evil, Gatuno, Alexei Paralyzer, Baad, Unstoppable Mxxc, Braith Na Venta, Pica Torta, Koringa Original, Zanderfps, Ultramagesz and by Lamine.
26 Nov 2024, 00:39 Died at level 307 by cyclops wooly.

Frags List
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Frags Unjustified

Record of Daily Experiences
EXP Today
not gain exp (Monster Experiences)
+42.385 (Monster Experiences)
+15.023 (Monster Experiences)
-2.758.325 (Monster Experiences)
+877.787 (Monster Experiences)
-2.857.827 (Monster Experiences)
-2.896.128 (Monster Experiences)
-2.789.900 (Monster Experiences)

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1- Zajkra
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380, Royal Paladin

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