Contentbox headline
Character Information
Name:Colaps Cinquendois
Profession:Elder Druid
Marital status:single
House:East Lane 1b (Carlin)
Frags:Killed 248 players
Last login:18 December 2024, 1:49 am
Account Status:Premium Account
Balance:$ 10.543.891 Gold Coins.

Other Infos
Quests: 30%
Tasks: 00%

18 Dec 2024, 01:48 Killed at level 301 by Pirolyzer, The Desgraciado, Bolado and by Adony Massacre.
16 Dec 2024, 02:59 Died at level 293 by hellspawn and by midnight asura.
12 Dec 2024, 22:16 Killed at level 282 by Seremontis, Billete Tresa, The Desgraciado, Florian Wirtz, Lee Killer, a dawnfire asura, Doente Dejogo, Veny Mama, a midnight asura and by hellspawn.
10 Dec 2024, 23:35 Killed at level 276 by Rytsun, Xexagg Opressor, Old Andiin, Gatuno, Betametasona, Alexei Paralyzer, Billy The Kid, Unstoppable Azin, Zanderfps, Pepe Rullesz, Baad, Nanabi, Unstoppable Mxxc, Pica Torta, Unstoppable Nunes and by Kendo Kaponii.
10 Dec 2024, 23:29 Killed at level 277 by Pica Torta, Old Andiin, Unstoppable Nunes, Kendo Kaponii, Makkabro, Unstoppable Mxxc, Rytsun, Betametasona and by Pogramca.
10 Dec 2024, 23:22 Killed at level 278 by Gatuno, Aftermath Angel, Xexagg Opressor, Betametasona and by Nanabi.
10 Dec 2024, 22:24 Killed at level 278 by Zanderfps, Old Andiin, Xexagg Opressor, Pica Torta, Betametasona, Demar Derozan, Kilee, Holztek Al Kaida, Pribizinho, Cesinha Deboxado, Seremontis, Phantasn, Braith Na Venta, Kfc Dois, Unstoppable Mxxc, Unstoppable Azin, Jota, Patito Raggamffin, King Dominante, Kenji La Conexion, Dikembe, Leooxd, Gamboa, Jacutinga, Buttowski, Nanabi and by Kendo Kaponii.
10 Dec 2024, 22:20 Killed at level 279 by Rytsun, Jacutinga, Unstoppable Taiiro, Felipeerah Owneed, Cesinha Deboxado, Pogramcd, Wolkz, Pribizinho, Unstoppable Nunes, The Desgraciado, Maloqueiro, Xexagg Opressor, Billy The Kid, Paladino Seis, Braith Na Venta, Leooxd, Alexei Paralyzer, King Dominante, Kenji La Conexion, Phantasn, Misashi and by Importadora.
10 Dec 2024, 22:13 Killed at level 280 by Jota, Wolkz, Rytsun, Old Andiin, Pica Torta, Unstoppable Taiiro, Unstoppable Mxxc, Cesinha Deboxado, Seremontis, Declan Harp, Xexagg Opressor, Makarov, Baad, Jacutinga, Phantasn, Unstoppable Nunes, Tazo Dorado, Riba Life, King Dominante, Kendo Kaponii, Pogramcd, Maloqueiro, Kfc Dois, Betametasona, Billy The Kid and by Braith Na Venta.
10 Dec 2024, 22:09 Killed at level 281 by Patito Raggamffin, Wolkz, Alexei Paralyzer, Betametasona, Importadora, Zanderfps, Unstoppable Taiiro, Billy The Kid, Felipeerah Owneed, Kilee, Unstoppable Mxxc, Jota, King Dominante, Old Andiin, Nanabi, Rytsun, Unstoppable Nunes, Leooxd, Declan Harp, Kendo Kaponii, Cesinha Deboxado and by Frank.

Frags List
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-709.055 (Monster Experiences)
+18.404.461 (Monster Experiences)
+18.370.652 (Monster Experiences)
+18.850.759 (Monster Experiences)
+9.409.232 (Monster Experiences)
+12.844.712 (Monster Experiences)
+12.626.646 (Monster Experiences)
+13.329.359 (Monster Experiences)

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